CitiesCommunityCommunityEncinitasNewsRegionEncinitas aims to tackle homelessness with two separate votesTawny McCrayOctober 31, 2019 October 31, 201901297 ENCINITAS — City Council seems committed to try to face homelessness in the city head on with a pair of votes at its Oct. 23...
CitiesCommunityCommunityEncinitasFeaturedNewsRegion‘Season of Hope’ helps bring joy to families in needTawny McCrayOctober 31, 2019 October 31, 201901094 ENCINITAS — The Season of Hope is about to begin for a nonprofit organization that turns 40 this year in Encinitas. The Community Resource Center...
CitiesCommunityCommunityFeaturedNewsVistaVista’s homeless plan coming togetherSteve PuterskiSeptember 26, 2019 September 26, 201901720 VISTA — The city is one step closer to completing a robust plan to address the ever-present homeless population. Vista, like most cities in San...
CommunityCommunityEncinitasEncinitas FeaturedFeaturedEncinitas boutique donates thousands of clothes to CRCAaron BurginOctober 16, 2016October 17, 2016 October 16, 2016October 17, 20160974 ENCINITAS — A local women’s clothing boutique chain just made a very large donation to one of the region’s leading nonprofits that serve victims of domestic...