DEL MAR — Three candidates seeking election to the Del Mar City Council this November answered residents’ questions about the relocation of the railroad tracks,...
DEL MAR — Amid discussions of a controversial bluff stabilization project in Del Mar this week, Councilwoman Terry Gaasterland was accused of violating the Brown...
REGION — The San Diego Association of Governments’ board of directors held a pair of meetings last week that opened with concerns over COVID-19 protocols...
DEL MAR — Del Mar residents and elected officials are questioning whether a hotly-debated railway fencing proposal will encroach upon the city’s popular bluff-top walking...
DEL MAR — Fearing enforcement actions by the state, the Del Mar Planning Commission recommended Tuesday that the City Council reconsider last week’s decision not...
Residents and officials resumed dialogue on May 20 over whether significant others should be able to serve simultaneously on two of the city’s boards....
City Council subcommittees have recently become the center of a “thorny” debate, with an anonymous newsletter raising questions about the significance of council member appointments....