The Coast News Group
Small Talk

Summer sweets are catching up to me

Summer is over but it was a wonderful and dangerously delicious time, wasn’t it?
I started last May working madly to get presentable in my bathing suit. That done, I give in to all the treats of summer until perhaps late August. By that time, my eating habits are once again shot to heck.
There is, as every woman knows, no justice in the weight loss/body shape arena. I have thoroughly changed my eating habits, cutting portions like a champ. I weigh less than I did last year this time, and yet I am once again taking on the shape and texture of a ripe avocado. I am, as the French say with affection, une petite Anjou. I would really prefer to be a petite carrot or perhaps a string bean.
But can you do a summer without some margaritas? I thought not. And who can say no to chili dogs, potato salad, sandwiches, guacamole and fresh peach pie? If you can, I don’t really want to hear about.
It’s so dreary to spend a summer without some chocolate cake or a frozen confection topped with hot fudge sauce. And what about root beer floats? It’s a minefield of yummy. Predictably, when fall arrived, I found I could not button my lovely wool trousers. Few things get my attention faster. And yet I stall.
As long as the temperate weather holds, I tend to just keep wearing my slightly more forgiving summer wardrobe. I am scrambling for some heavy inspiration. The approach of Halloween, with all its heart-stopping fright shows, may be just the time for it. No, it doesn’t actually involve a costume, but rather the lack of one. I just force myself to stand sideways in front of a mirror every single day. I am counting on that bone-chilling visual to make bite-sized Snickers bars look like sawdust.
With any luck, the shock therapy will curb my natural inclinations until the joyous holiday cookie season. Or I may have to decorate my mirrors with a festive drape of heavy tinsel.