The Coast News Group
Solana Beach leaders cut the ribbon for the new tot lot and basketball court at Fletcher Cove Beach Park on June 28. Courtesy photo/City of Solana Beach
Solana Beach leaders cut the ribbon for the new tot lot and basketball court at Fletcher Cove Beach Park on June 28. Courtesy photo/City of Solana Beach
CitiesCommunitySolana Beach

Solana Beach celebrates new Fletcher Cove Beach Park amenities

SOLANA BEACH — Residents and visitors in Solana Beach are enjoying improved amenities at Fletcher Cove Beach Park after the recent completion of a new $400,000 tot lot and resurfaced basketball court.

The popular tot lot was closed for nearly three months to allow the removal of old, worn-down playground equipment and the implementation of a new shaded structure. Along with a bright blue rubberized surface with a whale design, it features a slide, monkey bars, swing set, ADA-accessible disc net climber, and stationary boogie board.

City leaders said the playground was designed to accommodate a wider range of age groups,  with activities for children under age 5 like a mini “clubhouse” and sensory panels, as well as provide more walking space.

During construction, the city also closed the adjacent basketball court in early June for improvements. Crews resurfaced the cracked concrete with a bright blue design matching the tot lot and upgraded equipment with a new hoop and backboard.

Children enjoy the new and improved playground equipment at the Fletcher Cove Beach Park tot lot at its June 28 grand opening. Photo courtesy City of Solana Beach
Children enjoy the new and improved playground equipment at the Fletcher Cove Beach Park tot lot at its June 28 grand opening. Courtesy photo/City of Solana Beach
Youth enjoy the resurfaced basketball court at Fletcher Cove Beach Park, which also features a new hoop and backboard, on June 28. Courtesy photo/City of Solana Beach
Youth enjoy the resurfaced basketball court at Fletcher Cove Beach Park, which also features a new hoop and backboard, on June 28. Courtesy photo/City of Solana Beach

City leaders and community members celebrated the opening of the new playground and court on June 28 with much fanfare, including live music, food, face painting and children enjoying the new equipment.

“It was an incredible day filled with joy, laughter, and a true sense of community spirit. We hope this revitalized space will serve as a hub of fun and enjoyment for families, friends, and neighbors alike. This space belongs to all of us,” the city said in a statement.

The tot lot’s design also included details to highlight the history of Fletcher Cove. A new, permanent sign at the site features aerial photos of the cove 100 years apart, from 1923 and 2023, and information about its geological history.

Fletcher Cove Beach Park is located at 111 S Sierra Ave and is open to the public from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

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