The Coast News Group

Pat Benatar performs at summer concert for child abuse prevention non-profit

RANCHO SANTA FE — Promises2Kids will host its annual summer concert gala from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. June 2 at the private estate home of Joan Waitt, with feature acoustic performances by Pat Benatar and guitarist Neil Girlado.
The evening will also feature a sit-down dinner provided by the Hyatt Regency La Jolla and a silent and live auction. Tickets are $250 for general admission or $475 for VIP admission.
Promises2Kids aids children who are victims of abuse, including former and current foster children. The organization runs the Polinsky Center, an emergency shelter for abused or neglected children, and San Pasqual Academy, a residential high school for foster children, both located in San Diego.
This year’s event co-chairs are Ann and Ben Haddad, and the honorary co-chairs are Mayor Jerry Sanders and hostess Joan Waitt.
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