The Coast News Group
Smart Fit Method is perfect for the 40+ crowd! Courtesy photo
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New Year, New You Is Possible at The Smart Fit Method

Can you name one person who actually succeeded at their “New Year, New Me” fitness goal?

Everyone talks and dreams about getting fit and healthy, and even though the new year is the perfect start line, very few people have actually done it. Why not? Because until now, they didn’t have access to the tools they needed to succeed.

The two tools you need to succeed are a personal trainer and the right equipment.

The best way to ensure success in a fitness goal is to hire a personal trainer. Good personal trainers provide accountability, motivation, and injury prevention. They use their wealth of knowledge to help you reach your goals.

The downside is cost. At an average of $75 per session three times a week, you’re spending a minimum of $900 a month on fitness, which is an unsustainable amount of money. At that price, you’ll be back on the couch in no time, back to excess body fat, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, or even worse.

Not only that, most gyms use outdated equipment. Personal trainers may have modern knowledge, but they still use ineffective equipment like dumbbells, barbells, treadmills, and elliptical machines. They’re limited by the equipment they can access, which limits your potential for success.

The solution? The Smart Fit Method.

The Smart Fit Method is a team of certified personal trainers using AI-driven equipment that is 94% more effective than traditional gym equipment. Not only that, it costs a third of the price of hiring a personal trainer – $299 per month.

How can they do this?

Technology makes life more efficient. Anytime technology enters a field, it doubles the effectiveness and cuts the cost. Having access to the latest, AI-driven fitness technology at The Smart Fit Method makes it easier, faster, and cheaper than ever before to reach health and fitness goals.

The equipment at The Smart Fit Method streamlines fitness so you don’t have to worry about adjusting weights, picking the right treadmill settings, or dialing in the right resistances. AI robotics adapt perfectly to your body so your certified personal trainer can ensure you receive the most effective workout every time you’re in the studio.

You don’t have to be an expert in fitness or technology to reap the benefits of training at The Smart Fit Method. Here’s what client Mary D. had to say: “I’d never be able to do something like this on my own, but thanks to my Smart Fit Method trainer, I get to workout on the same equipment celebrities and astronauts use, and I don’t have to worry about if I’m using the machine right or wrong. My trainer is the expert, and she keeps me accountable, so I never miss a session.”

Want to see for yourself?

You can make “New Year, New Me” a reality by joining The Smart Fit Method and letting their team transform your life. The program is normally $299 a month, but join in February and they’ll give you the first month of personal training for a special, trial price of $29.99. Book your first session now and take advantage of this offer at before studios reach capacity.

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