The Coast News Group

In Loving Memory Casey-Patrick Cochrane Geer July, 12 1991-Nov. 10, 2012

Two years without you.  My grief is still profound.  Devastation.  It’s like a light in my heart has been extinguished forever.  Every single day hurts.  A friend recently wrote to me “Remember to live”.  I am trying.  Your Mommy and your brother Cameron-Daniel, miss you so.  Your family and friends love you, miss you, remember you always.  You had the kindest, purest heart I have ever known.  21 is too young to die.

Message to kids:  If you love your family, don’t experiment with drugs.  Drugs Kill.  Heroin Kills.  And yes, IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU.

I love you so, my

Your grieving Mommy


Dawn Cochrane January 18, 2015 at 12:11 am

Another Holiday season I had to get through without you. I miss you so, my son. Mom misses you Casey.

Dawn Cochrane Thank you so much for your kind words.It was my hope, indeed,, that some parents would show this to their child or loved ones who might be right on the edge of making good choice or perhaps deadly ones. Casey was a top Boy Scout, singer, dan November 2, 2014 at 12:12 pm

Thank you so much for your kind words.It was my hope, indeed,, that some parents would show this to their child or loved ones who might be right on the edge of making good choices or perhaps deadly ones. Casey was a top Boy Scout, singer, dancer, choreographer, actor, musician and Tae Kwon Do Champion. He had it all, until he made a left turn. Thanks again for your kind support.. Namaste

Share Your Pain November 2, 2014 at 6:13 am


I am so sorry for your loss! I met you right after you lost your son. Thank you for sharing this story as a way to raise awareness and hopefully preventing another similar tragedy. It is obvious that he was a stellar kid and that you are a great mom. Thank you for your courage in sharing this story.

Dawn Cochrane November 1, 2014 at 8:12 pm

I love and miss you my son. Deep appreciation and Gratitude to the kind people at Coast News Group. Thank you Mr Kidd and Chelsea Baumann. You make the world a better, more compassionate place to live in……

Kevin McGuire May 10, 2015 at 8:40 pm

I’m at a loss for words reading this article. My heart goes out to you. Casey will always be on my memories, from our countless adventures growing up in daycare. If you would like to get in touch please call 760eight22eight1nine3. I’d like to see how Cameron and the family is doing, it’s been too long. Love always and forever-Kevin McGuire.

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