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‘Cruiser Bob’ for president

OCEANSIDE — Oceanside resident Bob Kiger, otherwise known as “Cruiser Bob,” has announced he will be running for president of the United States. His platform includes innovative ideas on creating new jobs, and challenging the notion that money buys the presidential office by running a low-cost campaign.
Kiger hopes his creative business ideas will pull the U.S. out of its economic slump. He has been a successful entrepreneur for 40 years, said he formed the first videography studio in the early 1970s, and recently starting summer downhill biking at a ski resort in Maui.
His business accomplishments are noteworthy. Kiger said his videography studio ignited a market of electronic television production with new tools and equipment that has created more than 10 million jobs. He added that his name can be found next to the definition of the word “videography.”
Maui Downhill Bicycle Tours now allows previously “seasonal staff” to work full- time year-round.
“I can create jobs faster and more easily than either candidate in any party and I have a track record to prove it,” Kiger said.
Working with a skeleton crew of advisors, which includes a Harvard attorney, an accounting and economics professor, and a Democratic operative who formerly supported President Barack Obama, Kiger has decided to start by getting his name on the New Hampshire ballot by collecting the required number of supporter signatures.
“I have a month out campaigning to get them and bring them back and file,” Kiger said. “I have no grand plan unless I achieve the results I want to get in New Hampshire.”
Kiger predicts his campaign will cost him little more than a year’s worth of time and energy. His estimated campaign cost is under $1 million.
His campaign will include heavy use of the Internet.
“I’m an expert at viral marketing,” Kiger said. “I will use all channels of the Internet.”
Kiger has already established a campaign website at He has also posted editorials on various websites.
He has no qualms about working hard to get the word out. “I’m chipping away each day beginning at zero,” Kiger said.
In a unique campaign kick-off this July, Kiger will attend the Comic-Con Convention for comic book enthusiasts dressed as Cruiser Bob for President with a Pomeranian companion in tow.
He will leave from the convention to begin his campaign van tour across the U.S. to New Hampshire where he will collect needed signatures to register as a candidate for president.
Kiger said he is not afraid to say the “tough things” that need to be said. His first priority is to get the word out on how to create jobs. He sees rebuilding the economy as the greatest public service he can contribute.
“It’s how you play the game,” Kiger said.
Kiger has plenty of business ideas to get the economy rolling. Another plan he will introduce is attendant-manned gas stations. The benefits will be increased security, faster customer flow, which will also reduce gas prices, and increased spending at gas station convenience stores.


"Cruiser Bob" Kiger March 10, 2011 at 2:14 pm

I’m pleased to have the story of my candidacy for President break in my local newspaper of choice … THE COAST NEWS.
I will make a few corrections and cover some omissions from the article, understanding that these will not be available to print readers until I send a letter to the editor.
1. I am running as a Democrat because New Hampshire allows only Democrats or Republicans to declare in their primary.
2. I dreamed up the idea of "downhill bicycle touring" in 1982 at my rent-a-bike biz in Lahaina. I used to give the Lahainaluna HS kids a $5 a day deal because many were "borders" from Hana side of island. They jokingly began calling "Cruiser Bob" and I instantly took to the name.
3. My first downhill adventure was on my birthday, January 3, 1983, and had to be aborted due to inclement weather at the summit. This day was also the beginning of Kilauea’s current eruptive phase, so it will always be in my mind.
4. On January 5, 1983 I made a second attempt and was successful. Word got out fast to travel journalist, Tom Horton, who wrote a story in Aloha Airlines magazine. Cruiser Bob’s Maui downhill was off and running.
5. Not long after that I got a call from an executive at Mammoth mountain [recollection] asking whether I thought they could use their ski lifts for summer downhill bicycling. I said “yes”, but was definitely leery of the safety issues. They and other ski resorts took to the idea quickly because it allowed them to keep their first responder medics and other professional staff year round. It is now common practice in ski resorts worldwide.
6. My dog, Maile, is a "Pugeranian" – half Pug and half Pomeranian and is well known for riding with me on my bicycle and kayak. She was also dubbed the first "Doggy Journalist" at the 2010 National Association of Broadcasters. Google “doggy journalist” and see for yourself.
Last for now, since my phone interviews with Promise Yee, we are planning an earlier start for our campaign to cross the country by riding the electric bicycle the same route as the "Race Across America". We plan to depart a few weeks before RAAM from Oceanside to Annapolis with myself and a support vehicle with one volunteer crew member.
I felt that was a more tangible way to start the campaign than the original Comic-con launch.
Thank you for allowing these corrections and additions to the story.
Mahaloha! – “Cruiser Bob” Kiger

"Cruiser Bob" Kiger March 10, 2011 at 10:26 am

correcting my own correction. The Mammoth Mountain executive asked "whether I thought they could use their ski lifts for summer downhill mountain bikers"

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