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Commentary: A rebuttal to Sandpiper’s endorsement of Worden

By Hershell Price

Throughout the entire year, year after year, the Sandpiper — Del Mar’s community journal, as they profess and like to be known — belches out the praises of their perennial favorite council member, Dwight Worden.

In the Sandpiper’s opinion, he does everything right for Del Mar and with a little encouragement, could probably walk on water.

They overlook how councilmembers Terry Gaasterland and Dave Druker were treated when Dwight controlled the Council. Dwight Worden relegated them to second-class status and never allowed either of them to have any of the important committee assignments.

Every vote went the way of Worden and associates, and Terry and Dave were most always on the losing side of a 3 to 2 vote.

Even though the Watermark residential project was caused by the vote of Sandpiper Editor Don Mosier when he was on the council, the Dwight Worden council was always laying the blame on Terry and Dave.

And, when it came to fighting NCTD to stop fencing on our upper bluff, Dwight supported NCTD and voted YES for the fencing. Who was it that stepped up and fought the fencing? Terry Gaasterland, Tracy Martinez and Dan Quirk.

Those are the real heroes on that critical issue. Still, the Sandpiper supported Dwight on that issue too. He can do no wrong in their eyes.

When it came to supporting the beach community regarding sea level rise, who was it that chaired the Sea Level Rise Technical Advisory Committee and fought against Managed Retreat to protect the Beach Colony homeowners?

Yes, once again it was Terry Gaasterland with her sub-committee who removed the Managed Retreat language from the Adaptation Plan. It was former City Council member Don Mosier who argued intensely in front of the Advisory Committee to include Managed Retreat in the Adaptation Plan.

Dwight Worden was never a member of the Advisory Sub-Committee that re-wrote the Adaptation Plan to remove managed retreat. In its current edition, the Sandpiper accuses Terry of having an “uneven record” and based on that record, it “prevents” the Sandpiper from endorsing her.

I have been in Del Mar since 1976 and have seen many council members come and go, but I have never seen even one who has worked as tirelessly and effectively for the residents of Del Mar as Terry has.

Let’s face the truth of the matter: The Sandpiper and its band of editors — especially board members Don Mosier and Betty Wheeler, Dwight’s life partner — are doing everything they can do to convince all of us to “bullet vote” for Dwight Worden.

A better choice may be in the running. Please vote for Terry Gaasterland and choose your second vote carefully. If it comes down to bullet voting, vote for Terry.

Hershell Price is a resident of Del Mar.