The story behind Wim Wenders’ latest documentary, “PINA,” goes something like this: For nearly 20 years, the celebrated filmmaker had wished to make a movie...
Executively produced by George Lucas, “Red Tails” is cinematic confection rooted in historical fact. The movie depicts an important chapter in U.S. history when African...
By now you’ve probably seen footage of Tom Cruise clinging to the world’s tallest building for the fourth installment of the “Mission Impossible” franchise, “Ghost...
SOLANA BEACH — Is history written by the great? By individuals whose singular brilliance outshines everyone else’s? Or is the historical timeline the public byproduct...
OCEANSIDE — When discussing music with songwriter and composer, Christy Coobatis, something interesting happens — the conversation quickly dissolves into his enthusiasm for teaching. Talking...
SAN MARCOS — California State University San Marcos began its annual free Arts & Lectures series this month. Open to the public, the series features...
SAN MARCOS — California State University San Marcos began its annual free Arts & Lectures series this month. Open to the public, the series features...