When I attend a business meeting I turn my cell phone off. I do this because I do not want to receive a call, email or text during the meeting.I have learned in life that to be of maximum service to people I might help it is important that I be present and engaged. I work for them and they deserve my full attention.
The State of California has banned texting while driving because it causes accidents. Texting while driving is a distraction. It diverts our attention from the important task of operating the vehicle and places friends, neighbors and us in harm’s way. Mistakes can be made.
Last week the Encinitas City Council voted to ban texting while council members are at the dais. To me this vote was what the kids like to call a “no brainer.” Unfortunately, Mayor Jerome Stocks was the only council member to vote against ban. While Mayor Stocks doesn’t seem to mind texting while governing, I do.
I believe it diverts attention from the tasks at hand, and that it is rude and disrespectful to the public. Public speakers who came to city hall to support the ban referenced the importance of council members giving their undivided attention to public speakers and the city’s business.
When North County residents attend city council meetings it is important they know that elected officials are paying full attention to the business of taxpayers. Texting on the dais sends the wrong message to voters. It tells us we are not that important.
Encinitas residents come to city hall to speak on agenda items.
Residents demand the full attention of elected leaders to explain why the $46 million Hall Park has been vacant for 10 years; why public pensions have been increased, yet again; and why the General Plan update looks like it is being written to the benefit of insiders and not the community?
1 comment
Yes, Andrew, the vote on texting, or using personal electronic devices, while on the dais was a no brainer. The fact that only our current mayor, Jerome Stocks, voted no on this shows how far his arrogance has advanced in his three terms in office. Surely the voters will be wise enough to vote him out of office this coming November. I see more and more of those “Dump Stocks” bumper stickers around town.
We need new vision on Council; the citizens want to be respected, as our elected officials would have us respect them.
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