RANCHO SANTA FE — Superintendent Lindy Delaney updated the board regarding the foreign language survey conducted by the San Diego State Research Group. Through parent online votes, the goal of the survey was to glean information on whether or not foreign language should be implemented in kindergarten through fifth grade classes in the RSF School District.
According to Delaney, a total of 798 parents received the survey and 198 took part in it. Currently, the data is being compiled into graph format and Delaney told the board she hopes to receive this by June 1 so it could be reviewed during the June board agenda.
“I really appreciate everybody that took the survey,” she said. “I know it takes time to do that but we’ve got some good feedback.”
Delaney thought the open-ended questions were helpful, and from those, the District could arrive at a recommendation. Once the results are fully in, Delaney said, they will proceed on that front.
“But everything’s on schedule,” she said.
Delaney pointed out that for the 500 parents who didn’t take part in the survey they probably didn’t feel the need to weigh in.
“There are not as many as I hope would have taken it, but it’s what we have,” she said.
Delaney told the board that the district sent out two email notices prior to the survey. Two parents did call in saying they did not get the online survey. Another parent found it in their spam folder, Delaney said, while another never located it.
One parent at the meeting spoke up mentioning she was unable to take the survey on her mobile device at her home in the Ranch due to Internet service challenges.
Nevertheless the survey numbers received will be used as a data point along with teacher feedback and budget analysis.