The Coast News Group

Letters to the Editor: Sept. 28, 2012

Think long-term

 I read with interest the article on Prop. 37 last week and feel that it was a well-represented article.

However, having an organic farmer who is “iffy” on the measure will likely put doubt in people’s minds about the crux of the proposition. These days everyone is screaming “economics” — things will cost more if the measure passes. Gee, heaven forbid that a company needs to change the text on their label- that might cost them an extra 6 cents over the life of the product (and yes, I did just make up that number).

My point is that the minimal amount of “cost” that companies will have to put out to make sure that we know if GMO ingredients are in their products is minimal considering the long term ramifications of eating GMO in our foods. Our health is suffering enough as it is- but this is messing with future generations and we need to think long-term here!

Jeffrey Anshel, OD, FAAO

President, Ocular Nutrition Society,


Simple election

The election in Oceanside is simple — if you want outside interests to run the town, get rid of rent control and throw seniors, veterans and their widows into the street, build the Melrose extension and take homes and farmland, you can vote for Feller, Dykes and Kern.

I hope they never have to dial 911 if they outsource…no telling how long the wait would be. If you want to preserve your property values including keeping your home and want to improve the quality of life in Oceanside, then vote for the people who care about you: Mayor Jim Wood and Councilmember Esther Sanchez.

They have a proven record of caring about Oceanside residents and businesses. For the second seat on Council, my vote is for Dana Corso. She also has a proven record of caring for Oceanside neighborhoods and protected rent control for seniors and vulnerable residents.

Vote Wood, Sanchez, and Corso in November. Last but not least, Zack Beck is your guy for City Clerk. His name is last for City Clerk, but he’ll put your First.

Mandy Barre,


UT San Diego ‘Not ready for Prime Time’

“On a day when Mitt Romney’s possible election-ending speech about discounting half of the American public is going absolutely viral — including front page in the NY Times, the L.A. Times, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, and the Dallas News — let it officially be made public that the UT San Diego (formerly The San Diego Union Tribune), now owned and run by conservative Republican real estate tycoon Doug Manchester, who for some reason likes to be called “Papa Doug” (not to be confused with “Papa Hemingway”) and CEO John Lynch have turned it into their own version of what is news. … I.e., there is not even a mention in the entire online version of the paper (never mind the front page) of Romney’s speech caught surreptitiously on tape that was released to the media on Sept. 17, 2012.

The UT is slowing in the process of becoming the laughing stock of big-city newspapers, losing credibility daily. It has become the FOX News of San Diego newspapers and they are proud of it.

We recommend: Don’t buy; don’t advertise with. These guys are bad news, despite their many excellent writers and others there. I’m sure Wayne Lockwood, Tim Sullivan, Neil Morgan, and plenty others, would agree. This new paper and its selective news reporting, not to mention its rabidly-right Op-Ed page makes the old conservative Copley press paper look like Abbey Hoffman on Quaaludes.

For San Diego daily news, try reading “Voice of San Diego” instead — a breath of fresh air co-founded by former UT writer and San Diego institution, Neil Morgan. And, oh yeah, there’s no online “pay wall” either.

Esteban Llaves


What ‘Yes’ means

A “Yes” vote on Prop J on Nov. 6 means two things, maybe, plus the possibility of a third.

1. You will pay at least $5 million to get the main street reduced from two lanes each way to one lane each way with three roundabouts, plus signals at 15th & 16th with unknown results.

2. You get the possibility that private property owners will build 220,000 square feet of additional buildings, including a lot more new restaurant/bars. Nothing is required.

3. If No. 1 doesn’t work out, as happened in Claremont, Calif. in 2004, the possibility is you get to pay several million dollars to remove the roundabouts and re-open the main street to two lanes each way, with synchronized signals.

What’s wrong with this Plan? Mainly No. 2 above.

The property owners asked for a more reasonable amount of building allowed on their property, but are not clamoring for this plan, because of all the onerous costs and hoops to go through to get it. Therefore, you have not heard any clamoring to revitalize!

Also, restaurants don’t work without an ABC license, and the ABC laws say a license can’t be issued to a location within 100 feet of a residence. That shoots down all the new restaurants! Vote “No” on Prop. J and save money!

Ralph Peck,

Del Mar