Local papers are essentialWe are writing to say thank you for the role that The Coast News (and other local papers) played in publicizing a recent event at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Dieguito in Solana Beach.
We were very happily surprised at the response the articles on our exhibit of Hmong story cloths and associated social forum elicited. Many friends and neighbors commented on an article they had seen; and, the audience at the exhibit opening and social forum came from all parts of the county.
A young Hmong man, Chairperson of the Education Committee of the Hmong Family Association of San Diego, told us that night how surprised and delighted he had been to see the article about “his people” in a local publication. A nurse who had worked in Laos in the 1960s saw the article and came to the forum because it was the first time she’d seen anything about Laos in local publications for 20 years. Another woman saw the article in a doctor’s office and was so excited about attending that the receptionist helped her find her way to the fellowship.
We believe the enthusiastic overall response, and these individual stories, illustrate so well the fact that local newspapers are essential to bringing our communities together.
We were interviewed by two reporters who were both remarkably young and remarkably good at what they do, and we so appreciated their expressed (and obvious) commitment to keeping print journalism alive in this world of instant communication. After this experience, we are more than ever convinced that newspapers, especially local ones that report local news to local people, play a vital role in creating and sustaining community.
Thanks to all of you who make them happen.
Nancy and Roger Harmon,
Del Mar
Plan could change area forever
Why is there so much uproar about One Paseo? Undoubtedly because it will FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE THE CARMEL VALLEY-DEL MAR AREA FOREVER!
I don’t understand why there isn’t the same uproar over the proposed Del Mar Village Specific Plan! If you read it all, it will fundamentally change the small town village of Del Mar forever!
Why are the owners of One Paseo proposing such a fundamental change? Obviously only one reason — MONEY, at the expense of everything else!
Why is the Del Mar City Council proposing such a fundamental change? Obviously only one reason — MONEY, at the expense of everything else!
These are but two strong similarities of the two proposed projects. Others include: neither proposal was initiated, or requested by the public, both will, logically, create traffic, parking and pedestrian havoc (unless we all give up driving in favor of walking, bike riding and taking the Bus), both will block views of surrounding residents, both are intended to replicate “a large European village” (all crammed in).
There are many other similarities, if you think about it, and there is nothing wrong with making money, but do areas really have to fundamentally change forever to make money money, at the expense of everything else?
Let’s all speak out, and vote no!!!!
Ralph Peck
Del Mar
Oceanside voters control seniors’ fate
This is an open appeal to the voters of Oceanside to please support retired seniors, veterans, and disabled to defeat “Prop E, Vacancy Decontrol.” Please vote NO.
The future and well being of hundreds of retirees living in mobile home parks are at risk. I happen to be one of those affected. I am a mother, grandmother, and proud owner of a mobile home.
The majority city council could have repealed Vacancy Decontrol after they were presented with a petition signed by over 15,000 voters against it. Instead, with great expense to the city they decided to put it on the June 5 ballot. They hope that voters will fall for all their misinformation about Vacancy Decontrol, and do their dirty work for them. So you, the voter have been thrust into the position of deciding the future of hundreds of senior retirees. You must decide between good and evil.
Please do not be fooled by all the false information and expensive signs you see which are paid for with out of town PAC money. Prop E is harmful and will cause much pain and suffering to those of us in mobile home parks. It will rob us of our independence and the ability to make our own choices concerning our resources. It is another scheme to take from the poor to benefit the rich.
I am grateful The League Of Women Voters has endorsed a NO vote on Prop E. I ask you the voter to give careful thought to your decision. Please consider, if this issue affected your parents, grandparents, or even yourself in the future, how would you vote? I trust you to make a thoughtful and wise decision.
E. Moore,
Vote yes on “E”
After explaining that I’m both a senior citizen and a veteran, I recently offered $400,000 for a million dollar beach condo. Much to my chagrin, the owner rolled on the floor laughing!
Since 1984, mobile home park owners have been forced to accept, as payment in full, space rent payments that have been increasingly lower than market value. Today, these payments are in the neighborhood of 40 percent of market rate. For example, if the market rate space rent in a beachfront mobile home park approximates $1,000, the tenant monthly payment is about $400. The mobile home park owner is shorted $600 per month. When multiplied by the number of spaces in the park, the number of months, and the unceasing expansion of the difference between market rate and the mandated rate, the mobile home park owner’s compulsory subsidy to the tenants adds up to a whole lot of money.
Coercing property owners to accept less than market rate rents as payment in full has been legal in Oceanside for nearly 30 years, but it’s unfair. Do the right thing — restore property rights to their rightful owners by voting YES on Prop. E.
Randy Horton,
Open Space Survey
The San Diego Foundation recently presented the results of their survey of 30,000 residents. When asked, “What is the key issue that affects your personal quality of life?” 74 percent of respondents said protecting key lands, access to parks and open space. That’s no surprise to those of us who live in Carlsbad. We have been saying it for years. But year after year the mayor and City Council allocate $0 for open space acquisition. If they aren’t listening to us, whom are they listening to?
Mary Anne Viney,