The Coast News Group
A rendering of 16-unit mixed-use residential project on Second Street in Old Encinitas. Courtesy photo/MAA Architects
A rendering of 16-unit mixed-use residential project on Second Street in Old Encinitas. Courtesy photo/MAA Architects
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Encinitas Planning Commission OKs plans for Burtech winery, condos

The Encinitas Planning Commission unanimously approved plans for a new mixed-use residential development project in Old Encinitas during its Dec. 21 meeting.

Dominic Burtech’s infill proposal includes 16 residential condominium units and two commercial units to house Burtech Family Vineyard’s winery at the dead end of Second Street.

The project site, comprised of four lots, was once home to Burtech Pipeline, Inc., a general engineering contractor that has since moved to Vista. Currently, a coffee shop, a ceramic studio and a single-family residence with three studio units occupy the property, all of which will be demolished for new condos. 

Under state density bonus law, the project will create a total of 16 residential units for sale, with three units targeted toward “very low income” and “low income” households. The majority of condominiums will be offered for sale at market rates.

A rendering of the proposed Burtech condos and winery in Old Encinitas. Courtesy photo
A rendering of the proposed Burtech condos and winery in Old Encinitas. Courtesy photo
An aerial view of the proposed Burtech winery and condos, an infill development in Old Encinitas. Courtesy photo
An aerial view of the proposed Burtech winery and condos, an infill development in Old Encinitas. Courtesy photo

The developers are seeking waivers in parking space and loading requirements to accommodate the increased density. Specifically, the waivers would allow adjustments in parking stall widths near fences or walls without compromising safety or functionality.

In terms of design and infrastructure, the proposal includes plans to consolidate existing lots and create 18 airspace condominium units and 2,694 square feet of commercial space for proposed retail, commercial manufacturing (wine processing) and a small restaurant.

The overall development is planned to cover approximately 21,000 square feet and includes various infrastructure enhancements such as cul-de-sac construction, sidewalk installations and alley improvements.

“I want to say thank you to Dominic,” said Jim Sikora, a neighbor of the development. “We’ve been working with him on this project since it was presented back in 2021. He has been a great neighbor in this process and has listened to concerns that the neighbors have had.”

However, Sikora also raised questions about third-floor balconies overlooking neighboring properties. Other neighbors asked questions about utilities, parking, and construction impacts.

“This is an unusually small zone and this is a really good infill project,” Commissioner Bob Johnson said. “It’s going to take a quiet little backwater that’s not very attractive and turn it into something useful and good for the community.”

The project will now go through the city’s development review process, with construction planned to begin in 1-2 years.