CarlsbadCarlsbad FeaturedCitiesNewsPolitics & GovernmentCarlsbad discusses requests to fly commemorative flagsSteve PuterskiJuly 13, 2023July 13, 2023 July 13, 2023July 13, 202301210 CARLSBAD — After the Carlsbad City Council agreed in June to raise the intersectional pride flag at City Hall for Pride Month, Councilwoman Melanie Burkholder...
CarlsbadCarlsbad FeaturedCitiesNewsPolitics & GovernmentCarlsbad agrees to raise intersectional pride flag at City HallSteve PuterskiJune 14, 2023June 14, 2023 June 14, 2023June 14, 202301028 CARLSBAD — The City Council voted in support of flying the intersectional pride flag for the month of June at City Hall following a 3-2...