The Coast News Group

Letters: December 19, 2008

Not all Leucadians on board with improvements

The final workshop was well attended, in large part due to the publicity put out by Encinitas Chamber of Commerce and the owners of Leucadia Glass. The presentation given previously, at the Encinitas Library, was on the same day as the Olivenhain candidate’s forum and allowed for no public comment. Likewise, most people attending the final workshop said they had not attended and had not been informed of previous workshops.
At the first workshop; roundabouts were “pushed” by consultants. “Voting” was not “controlled.” We were to post colored dots under different categories, such as “Roundabouts” or “No Roundabouts.” The roundabout category was suggested by the consultant himself. Some put all their dots under roundabouts, when we were directed to post one dot only per category. Keep Leucadia Funky was the overwhelming “winner.”
Many couldn’t attend the following workshop where less than 50 people were in favor of five roundabouts, back-in diagonal parking, narrowing lanes, and reducing northbound traffic to only one lane!
Charles Marvin is a longtime business owner who favors more parking at taxpayer expense. Most residents and businesses don’t feel the Chamber has been divisive, but has done a good job investigating, publicizing what the public overwhelmingly wants. “All Leucadians” are not “extremely excited about the proposed improvements” as Marvin claims. This is clearly shown by survey tallies and the signatures, over 450, against current plans. Most want to preserve and restore the canopy, replant the median, and add stop signs to slow traffic.

Lynn Braun Marr

Proposed improvements good for business?

Coast Highway 101 businesses in Leucadia must be doing great in this economy. They have too many customers and want less business. By permanently closing down one lane of Highway 101, they’ll lose thousands of cars a weekend that want to cruise the coast, choose a slower, more scenic option to I-5 — stop, shop and eat along the way. Those thousands of visitors won’t be parking miles away to then walk, bike, or take the bus to an airy-fairy “village” concept. But I’m sure Leucadia merchants will attract a whole new crop of visitors that just can’t wait to experience driving around and around and around in the five traffic circles planned.

Ken Harrison