CommunityEncinitasEncinitas FeaturedFeaturedSeventh grader’s project weighs in on vehicle speed signsAaron BurginFebruary 14, 2016 February 14, 20161437 Christopher Kulick, a seventh grader at The Rhoades School in Encinitas, has a message for the city of Encinitas...
CommunityCommunityEncinitasNewsSenior Sheriff’s volunteers help slow traffic at Paul EckeAaron BurginMay 28, 2015July 22, 2015 May 28, 2015July 22, 20150678 ENCINITAS — Jerry Jerome and Leslie Echter stand on either side Vulcan Avenue, near the crosswalk that leads to Paul Ecke Central Elementary, both donning...
Old - DO NOT USE - The Coast NewsProjects planned to slow trafficBianca KaplanekFebruary 23, 2014July 22, 2015 February 23, 2014July 22, 20151380 SOLANA BEACH — In response to complaints from residents, several traffic calming projects are being planned throughout the city....
Rancho Santa FeSpeeding an issue in Rancho Santa FePatty McCormacAugust 7, 2012July 21, 2015 August 7, 2012July 21, 20150248 RANCHO SANTA FE — Speeding in the streets of Rancho Santa Fe has become a topic of issue for the Rancho Santa Fe Association and...