CitiesCommunityEncinitasEncinitas FeaturedRegionShatto & Sons founder breaks ground on reconstruction projectJordan IngramSeptember 15, 2022September 16, 2022 September 15, 2022September 16, 202201971 ENCINITAS — Nearly three years after early morning flames consumed several local businesses, Shatto & Sons founder Jim Shatto broke ground this week for a...
ColumnsLick the PlateLick the Plate: A slice of funky Leucadia goes up in flamesDavid BoylanOctober 1, 2019October 1, 2019 October 1, 2019October 1, 201901375 Mozy Cafe owner Gary Grassi has said he is going to rebuild and we can hope that happens....
ColumnsLick the PlateLick the Plate: Good vibes at Mozy Cafe in LeucadiaDavid BoylanSeptember 3, 2019 September 3, 201912125 If there is a place where "it's all good" fits literally and figuratively, it’s Mozy Cafe in Leucadia....