The Coast News Group

June Cutter

CitiesElections 2022EscondidoNewsPolitics & GovernmentRancho Santa FeRegionSan Marcos

‘The woman for the job’: Interview with June Cutter, 76th District candidate

Leo Place
SAN MARCOS — As the June primary approaches, The Coast News is introducing the candidates for the 76th State Assembly District and asking them to...
CarlsbadCitiesDel MarEncinitasEscondidoNewsOceansidePolitics & GovernmentRancho Santa FeRegionSan DiegoSan MarcosSolana BeachVista

Assembly Races: Candidates line up to challenge Maienschein, Davies

Stephen Wyer
REGION — The campaigns for Assembly district races in North County are heating up, with a plethora of candidates lining up to unseat incumbents Assemblyman...