The Coast News Group

Assemblyman Todd Gloria

CarlsbadCitiesCommunityDel MarEncinitasEscondidoNewsOceansideRancho Santa FeRegionSan DiegoSan MarcosSolana BeachVista

Bella’s Act will end sale of puppy mill animals

REGION — Bella’s Act, which completely prohibits the retail sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in California, takes effect on Jan. 1, 2021. The legislation...
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Boerner Horvath, Gloria introduce bill to ban gun shows at fairgrounds

Lexy Brodt
State Assemblymembers Todd Gloria and Tasha Boerner Horvath introduced a bill on Feb. 22 that seeks to ban the sale of guns and ammunition on...
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Law enforcement officials detail new anti-DUI law

Coast News wire services
Assemblyman Todd Gloria, D-San Diego, and San Diego Police Chief David Nisleit detailed a new state law today that will require people convicted of drunken...
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Gov. Brown signs law mandating 100 percent renewable energy use by 2045

Coast News wire services
A bill signed today by Gov. Jerry Brown and co- authored by several San Diego lawmakers puts California on a path to using only carbon-neutral...