OpinionOpinionsPolitics & GovernmentRegionCommentary: Supporting local journalism supports this communitycommentarySeptember 20, 2021 September 20, 20210504 By Dean Ridings The Local Journalism Sustainability Act (LJSA) was recently introduced in the House and has now been introduced in the Senate — and...
CarlsbadCarlsbad FeaturedCitiesDel MarEncinitasEscondidoNewsOceansidePolitics & GovernmentRancho Santa FeSan DiegoSan MarcosSolana BeachVistaFederal bipartisan bill aims to help community newspapersSteve PuterskiAugust 26, 2021August 26, 2021 August 26, 2021August 26, 20211648 REGION — It is no secret community newspapers are struggling financially, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic began. However, there may be some relief coming from...