UPDATED FEB. 1 | According to the City of Vista, the March Vista Leadership Academy is full. The city is now adding those interested in the Leadership Academy to an interest list for the Fall 2018 session.
VISTA — Vistans who have an interest in how their city government operates are invited to take part in an eight-week Vista Leadership Academy. The spring complimentary class sessions begin on March 7. Enrollment is open now and ends Feb. 28.
The Vista Leadership Academy was first established in 2008.
Every year, sessions are slated in the fall and spring on Wednesdays from 5 to 7 p.m. However, one citywide tour will take place during the day.
City Communications Officer Andrea McCullough said the Academy is for Vista residents and Vista business owners. Participants must be 18 years of age or older. The academy offers residents and business owners a way to become more familiar with their city.
Topics will include city policy, finance, touring facilities and development projects, and discussing issues such as traffic and growth.
McCullough said the law enforcement session will consist of a tour of the detention center.
The city manager or director of a particular department will lead the discussion for specific sessions. McCullough described the classes as interactive in which residents and participants are encouraged to ask questions.
The last day of the academy generally falls on a Tuesday so that graduation will include recognition during a City Council meeting.
Space is limited to 20 attendees. Those interested are advised to apply ahead of time since there is usually a waiting list.
McCullough said after the academy, participants can take part in an evaluation. Over the years, this feedback has been useful — participants say they know more about their city than they did before. In addition to meeting council representatives, graduates also learned more overall about how their city operates.
“The Vista Leadership Academy is definitely a really good opportunity to learn more about the city you live in or work in — you can ask those questions you might have,” she said.
During the course of the academy, participants are asked what their vision is for the city of Vista. McCullough said this is vital aspect to the city.
McCullough also said it’s important for the city to get its residents involved.
“By knowing what is going on, when they read or hear about information, they will understand it more fully,” she said. “Or if they don’t, they will know who to contact.”
Those interested in learning more about the Vista Leadership Academy and wanting to apply can call (760) 639-6125 or visit http://www.cityofvista.com/residents/leadership-academy.