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Rancho Santa Fe students lauded by school board

RANCHO SANTA FE — The beautiful new library at the R. Roger Rowe School could barely contain all the students with perfect STAR testing scores, their parents and siblings at the school board meeting Oct. 7.
The stellar students were invited to come to the school, shake the hands of the school board, their principal, the district superintendent and receive a certificate of achievement for their efforts.
“I can’t remember many times in my life when I’ve done something perfectly and they are few,” said Superintendent Lindy Delaney. “This is a huge accomplishment. I am so proud of you for having the ability and doing the best you can with that ability.”
Kim Pinkerton, elementary school principal, told the students they should be proud.
“We are excited to honor you tonight,” Pinkerton said. “When you shake our hands, smile. Be proud. This is a very important evening.”
Second-graders Conrad Delgado and Ella Fox both earned a perfect score on their STAR Math and ELA tests.
Fifth-grader Michael Curcio earned a perfect score on both his STAR Math and Science tests.
Shannon Buss, a third-grader, achieved a perfect score of 600 for the STAR Language Arts Test.
Those earning a perfect score of 600 on the STAR Math Test were second-grader Patrick Harrington; third-graders were Reilly Cunningham, Tucker Drawdy, Sheila Kaiser, Isabella Macia, Gabrielle Nguyen, Malia Reviere, Jahon Shapouri, Sawyer Simo, Nicole Stein and Rachel Waite; fourth-graders Garth Erdossy, Giselle Esquer, Brandon Fitzpatrick, Paul Gauvereau, Shawn Kulakowski, Breana Nguyen, Ashley Perison, Nicholas Rosetta and Jackson Tuck; fifth-graders Nicole Buss, Lily Klinek, Elizabeth Liang, Bennett McCaskill, Lucy Rickerson, Elizabeth Russell and Travis Wilson; sixth-grader Diana Leavitt; and seventh-grader Seamus Comerford.
“This is the highest number of 600 that we’ve ever had,” Assistant Superintendent Cindy Schaub said.
Standardized Testing and Reporting, or STAR, measures performance on the California Achievement tests. It is the result of the Public Schools Accountability Act that was passed by California voters in 1999, which developed a comprehensive system to hold students, schools and districts accountable for improving academic performance.
These tests are administered each spring to grades two through 11.