The Coast News Group
Eye on the Coast

Politicos have been on the stump

Now it’s voters’ turn
Politicians have been telling folks how well they have represented them while on their junkets to faraway places. Now voters can tell them on Tuesday whether they agree.
Locally, there is a mixed bag of choices. No contests for city councils in Surfside and SolBeach communities. There were two seats open in each and only two contestants in each. Spirited campaign, however, for school board in the Surfside City where recent meetings have been ugly and the former supe is suing.
In the Flower Capital there are two incumbents and two newcomers in the race. The mayor, seeking a third term, has been under intense fire for past actions. In C’bad the office of mayor is open for the first time in almost a coppla decades and there is a spirited contest for council persons. No surprise in O’side where elections are always battled to the final bell. A councilman who easily warded off a recall vote a coppla months ago is on the ballot and is expected to coast in. In the county supe’s race the North County rep. always seems to be in hot water but has managed to survive. Will he this time? When you vote you have a ticket to democracy, if you don’t use it you have no cause to complain.
Hall of famers
A half-dozen names have been added to O’side High School Hall of Fame. The distinguished includes Ben Aguillon (1936) arts; Louann Brizendine, (1971) academics; Fred Hilton (1936) business; Roberta Thill, (1946) community service; Junior Seau (1986) athletics; and Glen Stettler, (1970) public service. Congrats all.
Bike the Coast
A day of family-oriented events is scheduled Nov. 6 aimed at encouraging bike safety in O’side. Event is with the cooperation and support of San Diego Bicycle Coalition. Activities will be in the vicinity of the pier.
Lottsa money for scholarships
Fran Fenical, chair of Mexican American Educational Guidance Association, or MAEGA, sez it has given out 339 scholarships totaling $335,700 in the last five years. Wow! This includes 236 new grants and 103 renewals. Prez. Anna Vallez was a recipient when there was less money in the till. Funds come mostly from dinners, tamale sales and memorial gifts.
Racing OK
Friday night horse racing at Hollywood Park followed by a music concert is OK but not overwhelming. Concerts were added in an effort to attract a younger crowd. Also reduced prices on food and beverages. In 2012 Hollywood’s fall dates are expected to be presented at Del Mar.
Photo enforcement
The Governator has vetoed a bill that would have cut in half the fee for making a right hand turn without stopping against a red light where there are photo enforcement cameras. Currently there is a $500 fine that violators complain is a money grab to enhance state and city coffers.
Tea party success
A recent tea party event held at the O’side beach amphitheater is reported to have drawn partiers from everywhere. Theme was for less government and less taxes and fees. No estimate on the crowd.
Beach group volunteers
Two board member volunteers are needed for each of Friends of Cardiff and C’bad State Beaches. Bill Mahoney at [email protected] has the skinny. The organization’s website is
Lawyer wants payment
C’bad lawyer Ron Cozad has asked the superior court to direct MiraCosta College to pay him 420 thousand bux for service he provided in a settlement suit.
Hailed as heroes
Too often folks who see a crime in progress just stand on the sidelines. Not so with three construction workers. Mario Contreras, Carlos Partida and Stephen Kane brought down a suspect who was shooting at kids at Kelly Elementary School in C’bad. He wounded two children before the trio pinned him to the ground until the gendarmes took him into custody.
Welcome grant
San Dieguito River Park has received a $1,409,368 grant from Cal Natural Resources Agency. Certainly welcomed at this time. Park JPA has been on the shorts due to funding cutbacks.
Surfside City residents who allow underage boozing in their homes are now subject to prosecution … Nan Sterman, the Flower Capital’s celebrated garden guru, is now appearing on radio and TV and is lecturing and holding classes all over the place … C’bad volunteer Dorrie Ritchie has been crowned Citizen of the Year … State budget that has been approved is chock full of financial assumptions that have little chance of coming to fruition meaning budget is still a mess … Postal brochure warns of mail fraud and how to prevent it … Kudos to crews in C’bad who repaired a busted sewer pipe line in record time and prevented a crisis … All signs point to increased water rates the first of the year … Recent sale by Friends of C’bad Library was reported to be a bang up success…Rancho Coastal Humane Society has celebrated a half-century of caring for animals … With elections concluding smear merchants will be looking for something to do … Work is reported to be progressing well at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station which is undergoing massive overhaul … San Dieguito Heritage Museum is peddling See’s holiday candies as a fundraiser … Jean Moreno, who was a MiraCosta College trustee for many years, sez C’bad retiring mayor Bud Lewis is supporting Ron Rudd, Joanne Shannon and Bill Fischer without reservation as candidates for MCC trustees.

Hasta la Vista