CARLSBAD — The city is encouraging its residents to take an online survey on its website regarding future city land use. The survey went live Jan. 25 and is estimated to close Feb. 17.The online survey is meant to glean information from citizens in how they would like the city to use specific properties that are either vacant or underused.
The reasoning behind the online survey has to do with updating the city’s General Plan.
“The General Plan is an important document that will help the city achieve the community’s vision for the future,” said David de Cordova, principal planner at the city of Carlsbad. “We thought a survey would be a convenient way for people to provide input, especially if they can’t make it to the public workshops.”
The recent two community workshops, called Land Use Concept Workshops, enabled the public to come together and express their own ideas and concerns. At the end of the meeting, attendees had the opportunity to fill out a paper survey on site.
As there were some who were unable to make the workshops, staff thought it was critical for everyone to be given an opportunity to share their own vision in updating the General Plan. Thus, the online survey was launched.
“Another benefit of the online survey is that people who attended the workshops could take some time to think about what they learned and then take the online survey later,” he said.
De Cordova wants residents to know that the online survey entails 14 questions and takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. Maps are attached to specific city land use questions so survey takers can eye the areas up for consideration.
Staff was pleased with the participation its first phase, Envision Carlsbad. De Cordova said the end result was a community vision.
“Now we are taking what we learned and using that information to update the General Plan,” he said. “I know a lot of people have probably never even heard of a General Plan but we want people to know it’s an important document that helps guide the future of the community, and we really encourage people to get involved in the process.”
To learn more about the online survey, residents can call (760) 434-2820 or visit
1 comment
I would caution the citizens of Carlsbad that this online survey approach proved a failure in Encinitas. Developers, city employees, and other special interests were able to fill in information that would benefit THEM at the expense of taxpayers.
You should demand scientific methods unless you want to see citizens rise up against your City Planning Department as has happened in Encinitas. We do not want their crummy pre-written plan.
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