“Funny Doctor, Serious Medicine” best describes Family and Sports Medicine physician Dr. Jeffrey Pearson. In practice for over 35 years, Dr. Pearson has a very loyal following owing to the fact that he believes in spending quality time with patients and really working with them to achieve optimum health. He was recognized for his exceptional work along these lines as far back as 1992 when he was the national recipient of the “Patient Care Award for Excellence in Patient Education” sponsored by the American Academy of Family Practice and the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.
Incorporating magic and humor in his practice, his patients feels relaxed – rather than scared – to be in a doctor’s office (so much so that last year, his unique practice style was featured on Fox 5 San Diego).
Tired and upset with the way insurance companies were treating both patients and physicians, and the onerous amount of work involved in order to participate with them, he decided to walk away from a large group practice and return to his roots and the basics – he has re-opened as a much smaller practice, Medicine in Motion, in the heart of Carlsbad Village, sharing space with Carlsbad Chiropractic, in the Roosevelt Center.
Together with his wife, Laurie, they’ve done away with insurance companies in order to offer quality care at affordable prices. “There are so many people who either do not have insurance, or have insurance with insanely high deductibles, that they must pay cash for all of their care.
By keeping our overhead low, we’re able to charge as little as $110 and $150 for (20 and 30 minute, respectively) new patient visits, whereas most other offices and urgent cares would charge $200 and $285 for the same services. This is a significant saving for these cash patients. And, patients with insurance are able to submit their bills to their companies for reimbursement, should they so choose .”
Dr. Pearson’s training as an Osteopathic family physician makes him very much sought after. In addition to his medical and surgical skills, he is adept at manipulative therapy – very useful for his patients with musculoskeletal conditions. Besides treating patients in his office, he has provided care for local high school and collegiate sports medicine programs, the United States Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, and served as the Medical Consultant to the world-renowned Golden Door spa for 25 years.
A runner for many years, Dr. Pearson provides medical coverage for the local Carlsbad 5000 and the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon races.
Dr. Pearson likes to focus on promoting and maintaining health whereby forestalling disease and our bodies’ breakdown.
For that reason, he is a proponent of natural hormone replacement therapy for both men and women. “Everyone was afraid to take hormones for many years,” he notes. “They figured that the reason for why our bodies stopped making them was because they suddenly turned “evil” and caused cancer.
That’s not the case, however. The reason for why our bodies stopped making estrogen and testosterone is the simple fact that – 100 years ago, we were dead! A female born in 1910 had a life expectancy of 52 years of age, a male averaged 49 years. Remember that they didn’t have antibiotics, decent blood pressure or cancer treatment. One didn’t get cataracts fixed or hips and knees replaced because people didn’t live long enough to wear out their parts. However, thanks to science, we’re now able to keep people alive much longer. But, if they don’t have the hormones to keep their bodies in repair, they fall apart.
Bones get weak and break, soft squishy parts dry out, etc. Hormone replacement has been a godsend to so many. We prefer to prescribe topical bio-identical hormone compounds that are easily massaged into the skin once a day. Life becomes good again.”
To maintain their own sanity, the Pearsons can often be seen riding their brightly lit Burning Man bikes along the 101 after hours. You can also find the Magic Doc entertaining patrons with fun bar magic at the Grand Avenue Bar & Grill most Tuesday nights. Learn more about them at www.medicine-in-motion.com.