The Coast News Group

Letters to the Editor: Nov. 30, 2012

Housing element in Del Mar 

The Del Mar Village Specific Plan proposed by the City was handily defeated by the voters in a National election. While 1,100 voted against it and 800 voted for it, there was celebration that the proposal was dead.

But, it appears any celebration was premature!

The proposed Specific Plan was required to be put to a vote of the residents, while ordinances to do the same things only require a Public Hearing before being passed by the City Council.

So, the process has begun!

At the last City Council meeting, Staff presented it’s view of amendment to the Housing Element of the Del Mar Community Plan, which included providing for affordable residential units in the Commercial Zone, and the Council gave its OK.

The process has to go before several bodies, with only Public Hearings, not a vote of the residents.

Since that is one of the components of the Plan defeated by a vote of the public, I wonder how many of the 1,100 voters who said “NO” will make their voices heard at any Public Hearing for this and the other parts of the Specific Plan that will be passed as individual ordinances, with only Public Hearings.

Ralph Peck,

Del Mar