Not pining for Nordstroms
The flyers about Mr. Caruso’s strawberry fields projects would be funny if it weren’t for what might happen.
Recently I received one which implied Coastal North County has long pined for a (Nordstrom’s) of its own.
Oh really? I and many others have been pining for the quiet seaside village atmosphere when you could easily cross the street without much traffic.
When you could see roadrunners and quail and hear coyotes howl at night.
Who sends their daughters into strawberry fields wearing white dresses pictured in an earlier flyer?
If his proposal goes into effect she might have trouble crossing over the five lanes of traffic into and out of the project.
I suggest he get a different ad agency, which understands this area better.
Pat Bleha,
1 comment
Here’s a math problem for North County.
There are 60.723 registered voters in Carlsbad.
Equal to/or less than 20,000 of them signed a petition which said AT THE TOP OF EACH PAGE “Initiative Measure TO BE Submitted DIRECTLY To The Voters” (Caps are mine)
Zero of them signed a petition saying ON THE TOP OF EACH PAGE” Initiative Measure To Be Submitted Directly To 5 People On Carlsbad City Council” .(That was on page 14)
How many people in Carlsbad think that the council should not rush this through without submitting the 85/15 initiative to the voters ? How many people think that the council are good people put in an awkward position… but they do have the power to address it?
Next, a logic question. WHO are the “ONE OR MORE qualified environmentally focused non-profit entities, land conservancy organizations , land managers, public agencies, AND/OR farming and agricultural interests” who will be “managing and maintaining ” the open space agriculture. Written this way, it could be The Nature Conservatory, it could be Stewart Resnick. It could be The Sierra Club, it could be Paul Ecke. “Land Manager” could even include Donald Trump but it fortunately looks like he’s preoccupied right now. No one should be expected to vote intelligently on this proposal until that WHO question is answered.
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