The Coast News Group

Letters to the Editor

Ticket on the tracks

I had a very upsetting experience on my normal daily walk/run along the bluffs in Del Mar.

I have done this trail over the last 20 years, as have thousands of other beach lovers. I am sure I have logged thousands of miles running there and never had any sort of issue with the Sheriff’s department.

Until I was issued a notice to appear at the Vista court — for walking on the California beach? I never crossed the train track, there is a beautiful trail /path the runs alongside the tracks. Yes there are no trespassing signs throughout but I always thought the intent was for no crossing the track.

I was not the only person ticketed, the two Sheriffs threatened to arrest a Del Mar woman, who was just walking her dog, and this caused a crowd of onlookers; a nice couple from out of town were also given notices.

I still have a beautiful news article written by the U-T several years ago, in the sports page, describing the trail as they called it “the Sacred Trail”

At all west facing dead-end streets where they are perpendicular with the track, there are no sighs saying “no beach access.” At either end of this path, there is no specific sign saying the trail is closed.

If any Del Mar resident wants to walk to the beach, they will now have to cross the tracks by the powerhouse park or opposite end south near Torrey Pines.

I completely understand the danger near any train, but handing out court dates, does not solve this, nor is it a proper method to notify the public of the closure.

David Meza,

Solana Beach


Parking woes

Come to Del Mar for the weather and bring your wallet!  Be prepared to get a parking ticket AND a ticket trying to walk to beach.  Once again Encinitas and Solana Beach  shine….with free parking and bridges/ tunnels to cross train tracks.  Does Del Mar deliberately try to keep people from visiting?

Bill Cavanaugh,


1 comment

M Bacon May 20, 2015 at 7:05 am

I avoid Del Mar for just those reasons. Why give business to a community that treats visitors like illegal aliens?

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