Why are we revisiting the Streetscape 101 subject again?
When the city initiated the Streetscape 101 project, it deliberately created a process whereby the design would be based on the opinions of the residents.
Through 2008, 2009 and 2010 an extensive series of workshops, educational sessions, informational open house events and Council meetings were arranged by Diane Langager, the city’s principal planner for the project.
Each time with large printouts of the architects’ latest renderings of the multiple options, updated at every stage to include our input from the previous meetings.
From small groups at the Library, attendance grew at every stage and by the end it was standing-room-only at the Encinitas Community Center.
I went to those meetings initially quite skeptical, but came away very impressed with how open the process was, how everyone had a chance to speak and present their ideas or ask questions, and with how well the concerns were addressed, often by people with genuine expertise such as a professional road traffic engineer, or the Fire Chief showing how the design was 100 percent compatible with their requirements.
About the only thing I wasn’t impressed with were those who clearly didn’t want factual explanations to get in the way of their objections.
There were many different opinions, and probably no one got everything they wanted, but by the end of the lengthy process 70 percent of those who attended the final meeting voted in favor of one of the plans, most with tremendous enthusiasm for what it will do for our community.
This was a thorough, open process. There is no need for those in the 30 percent to be trying to have us revisit it again now. The ONLY question that should remain is “when will it be implemented.”
Shaun Wallace,
Re: “Calls to stop elephant rides at fair renewed”
Readers don’t have to take PETA’s word about the appalling record of Have Trunk Will Travel (HTWT): It’s in the public record.
HTWT is blatantly disregarding longstanding Association of Zoos and Aquariums policies against offering public elephant rides. HTWT has opposed proposed state and federal legislation aimed at protecting elephants. In 2009, HTWT’s owners, Gary and Kari Johnson opposed a Connecticut elephant protection bill because they use bullhooks (metal-tipped devices that resemble fireplace pokers) and chains. HTWT also testified before a congressional subcommittee in opposition to the proposed federal Captive Elephant Accident Prevention Act.
Of the four elephants born at HTWT, three have died before reaching their fourth birthday. One died at just 8 months old, most likely from a painful herpes virus, a disease that scientific research links to stress factors commonly associated with the treatment of elephants used in entertainment—including maternal separation during infancy, abusive training practices, and transportation. Yet HTWT continues to subject elephants to the very stress factors believed to make them susceptible to this virus, and another baby, JP, died of it at the age of 3.
It’s impossible to understand how fair board members can continue to support an outfit with this kind of track record.
Delcianna Winders, Director
Captive Animal Law Enforcement
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals