San Diego LabRats is back for the new winter semester! Learn, Create, Tinker, Discover, Explore, & Engineer with Real Scientists teaching science! Students in K-4th & 5-8th grades can spend time in the Makers Lab doing hands-on science and induvial projects, get help in Math and Science from our local high school STEM superstars we call Academic Coaches, participate in after-school Enrichment Courses with their friends and family at the amazing Encinitas Boys and Girls Club of San Dieguito Facility, and more!
Plus, this semester features ALL NEW COURSES like YouTube Stars, Musical Spanish, & Making Money Matter – a Financial Literacy course for students. We are excited to offer these new courses as part of the highest quality education in town!
We are also now offering AFTER SCHOOL PICK-UP! That means this semester LabRats can now pick students up after-school and bring them to the STEAM Discovery Center so busy parents can spend more time getting things done and less time waiting in after school pick-up lines. If your students attend EL Camino Creek, Flora Vista, Olivenhain Pioneer, or Mission Estancia elementary schools visit us online at to schedule after school pick-up with your Enrichment Courses at checkout (Students will need to be picked up from the Discovery Center before we close, 6pm).
Courses Run 4-5pm but there’s plenty to do at the center from 3-6pm on Tuesdays-Fridays and Saturdays 10am-1pm. Any student enrolled in a course is welcome to the center for the full hours of that day.
LabRats is happy to announce our NEW adult Financial Literacy course, happening every Saturday form 12 – 1pm. Parents can enroll in our new Enrichment Course taught be a real Certified Public Accountant (CPA) titled “Making Money Matter” which covers Financial Planning for the Growing Family online at or on-site the day of! Now you can bring the whole family to enjoy Family STEAM Day on Saturdays and leave with enrichment in everyone’s education. That means higher grades, better finances, and a day spent with family, what could be better!
Not sure about LabRats just yet? Head online to our YouTube channel @SDLabRats to see the action for yourself and hear personal accounts from satisfied parents just like this one:
“My son used to hate getting up in the morning, it’s one of the reasons we homeschooled, but after joining the LabRats Camp he told me – Mommy, I want to sign-up for every LabRats course available, and I don’t mind waking up at 7:30 to get there – for him to say that to me is just a huge testament to the amazing things you are doing at this program ” -Pilar Bewly retired teacher and mother of 3
What are you wating for? Head online now!
Winter Semester Runs January 21st – February 22nd, Tuesdays – Fridays 3pm – 6pm & Saturdays 10am – 1pm
The LabRats STEAM Discovery Center is located at the Encinitas Boys and Girls Club, 1221 Encinitas Blvd