I joined many citizens from Encinitas to participate in the Candidate’s Forum that was held at the Olivenhain Town Hall on October 1st. I have refrained from supporting any candidate until I’ve had the opportunity to hear all the candidates’ positions on issues that are important both to Encinitas and Olivenhain.
The Candidate’s Forum provided both insight and clarity. The responses given by the candidates indicated their knowledge of the various issues and their positions relative to these issues. I am now comfortable in endorsing two candidates. Please bear in mind that I am not asking you to substitute my opinion for your own good judgment but several people have asked for my opinion.
The upcoming election presents us with a unique opportunity. For the first time, we will be electing a Mayor and the field is no longer limited to incumbent City Council members. In the past, the mayor’s appointment was passed around as a political favor by the members of City Council. Now, we citizens, have the opportunity to select the best person for the job….period!
After hearing from most of the candidates for Mayor, I firmly believe that Sheila Cameron has the most to offer our city. With years of previous experience in the local government, she has a tremendous wealth of knowledge about the workings of effective government that the other candidates do not possess. She has integrity that is not matched by any of her challengers. I recently witnessed her taking an unpopular position, despite the possible political fallout. She is principled and will stand up for her beliefs. She has been a staunch supporter of Proposition “A” and an equally vehement foe of density bonus.
Of all of the candidates for the vacant City Council seat, Julie Graboi impressed me the most. The other candidates clearly did not have the background about the issues and City positions that Julie has developed. She is a serious advocate for the citizens of Encinitas and her responses clearly showed her grasp of the issues that face our city. When asked about their contributions to the citizenry of Encinitas and the governmental process, the other candidates paled by comparison. I know that Julie cares deeply about the character of our communities and she will resist the influence of others who would embrace changes that are inconsistent with the city’s General Plan or are unsafe and/or inconsistent with community character. She too was instrumental in the passage of Proposition “A” and opposes density bonus.
So, if you were to ask me whom I’m voting for, you now know. Again, I do not ask you to blindly follow my lead.….Take the time to investigate on your own and reach your own conclusion. If you do, I think you will also embrace Sheila and Julie to best represent the interests of the citizens of Encinitas.
The most important thing is to VOTE! Do not be a member of the Apathy Party when election day rolls around! If you fail to extricate yourself from your comfy sofa to get to the polls, you deserve whatever you will get. I would like to know that 100 percent of the people that receive this email will vote! Voting is a right and privilege that too many take for granted. Please feel free to forward this email to your friends and neighbors in our fair city.
Thank you!
Bill Butler
P.S. If you are inclined to vote for other candidates, I will understand if the pull of the sofa is just too great for you on voting day.