COAST CITIES — The Seany Foundation will host its sixth annual Everything Is Possible celebration 6 to 10 p.m. Oct. 19, at the Del Mar Country Club, 6001 Clubhouse Drive, for an evening of cocktails, cuisine, silent and live auctions, Japanese Taiko drumming to raise funds and awareness for kids, teens, and young adults affected by cancer. The evening will celebrate long-time Seany donors John and Joseph Grasela of University Compounding Pharmacy and Medical Center Pharmacies who will be presented with the Seany Community Service Award. Pre-registration tickets for the celebration cost $200 per person. Proceeds go toward life-enhancing projects for children coping with cancer.To register or for more event details, visit Celebration 2013 sponsors include: University Compounding Pharmacy and Medical Center Pharmacies; Variety, the Children’s Charity of Southern California; Seth O’Byrne Real Estate; MountainWest Properties; Eddy Pump; McKenna Long & Aldridge; and Barona Resort & Casino. For sponsorship information, visit
Sean Lewis Robins founded The Seany Foundation in 2005, as he battled his own cancer. Sean fought Ewing sarcoma (a rare bone cancer) for nearly seven years, until his death in 2006. He was just 22. The Seany Foundation is Sean’s legacy, and continues to work to improve the lives of children, teens, and young adults battling cancer. For more information, visit