COAST CITIES – Are you a local author looking to get your eBook in the hands of library users?
Authors can now submit their work to San Diego County Library’s SELF-e site and it will be reviewed for possible addition in the Library Journal’s SELF-e collection and/or San Diego County Library’s local author collection. Visit to get started.
SELF-e is a collaboration between Library Journal and BiblioBoard that enables authors and libraries to work together and expose notable self-published eBooks to readers looking to discover something new.
This is a marketing and discovery service aimed at helping authors build an audience of readers. There is no fee to participate. Submit your work online and Library Journal will select pieces through a curation process. Your eBook will then become a part of a discovery platform for participating public libraries across the United States that allows patrons to read eBooks on any device, at any time. If your book is not selected to be a part of Library Journal’s SELF-e module, it may still be made available to the local community.
“Libraries are all about readers and writers connecting,” said CJ Lyons, self-published author. “Since so many of my new readers discover my books via their local libraries, it’s vital that all my books, whether traditionally published or self-published, be easily accessible to library patrons. This program helps librarians to better serve readers and authors to grow their audience, creating a perfect synergy of benefit to all book-lovers.”
For more information on this service, visit