ENCINITAS — The city will host an Encinitas Housing Element community meeting to address Encinitas’ sixth cycle of its Housing Element at 6 p.m. Nov. 18 in City Council Chambers, 505 S. Vulcan Ave. While the city only recently received state certification of the 2019 Housing Element, city staff must begin the process to prepare for the next planning cycle, Cycle 6, to address the 2021-2029 planning years.
The Encinitas community is invited to come learn about the state of California’s requirements of the update process, what minor changes are expected from the recently adopted Housing Element, and the schedule for public input.
For details on the Housing Element background and upcoming process, residents are invited to visit encinitasca.gov. Subscribe to e-mail notifications for Housing Element updates or contact Principal Planner Jennifer Gates, AICP at [email protected] with questions.
Every eight years, the state requires that each jurisdiction update its Housing Element to address future housing needs. The Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is the agency responsible for tracking and determining compliance with the State Housing Law. HCD and San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) work together to determine the regional housing need and SANDAG, with input from the jurisdictions, determines the methodology for the allocation. After approval from HCD, the city is responsible for submitting an updated Housing Element that meets those needs before April 2021.
The 6th Cycle Housing Element Update (2021-2029) is due to HCD for certification by April 15, 2021. The November meeting will allow the Housing Element to be reviewed by the public and considered by the Planning Commission and City Council in a timely manner. The second public workshop is tentatively scheduled on Jan. 27, 2020.