By Mike Andreen The Encinitas Chamber of Commerce recently received a visit from a sister-nonprofit, the Leucadia 101/MainStreet Association, intent on familiarizing the citywide E-Chamber...
As an opinion editorialist, my job description includes commenting on current events as they relate to the residents of San Diego County. As an environmental...
Cielo’s commercial plaza, a faux-Tuscan Disneyland, is going to look worse soon, unless the county obeys environmental and scenic highway protection statutes and the community...
Vote for economic/environmental progress in Oceanside When the Sprinter was approved, Oceanside should have created zoning overlays that take advantage of the stations. Transit Oriented...
Is the 1st Amendment being abused? According to the 1st Amendment, it’s OK to plaster political signs all over the place. Some politicians proudly state...
Gambling gets nixed Bingo machines that look and play like slots are now allowed only at Indian casinos, however, charities are able to offer simulcast...
I was raised to believe historic preservation is a form of cultural preservation. Reminders from the past become teachers of sorts, offering lessons of where...
Say what you will about Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, I have, but the Governator has just scored serious “green” points with the signing of California State...