DEL MAR — In an effort to ensure maximum community involvement in the design phase of the city hall replacement project, council members unanimously agreed...
DEL MAR — The Del Mar-Leucadia Branch of the American Association of University Women will present “AAUW: Supporting Women & Girls with Scholarships & Fellowships”...
DEL MAR — In an effort to better interact with the public and share information outside of noticed meetings without violating state law, council members...
DEL MAR — With an expected shortage of stables within the next five years, the 22nd District Agricultural Association is preparing to conduct a feasibility...
DEL MAR — Property and business owners can more easily finance energy-efficient improvements following a Dec.15 City Council decision to take part in Property Assessed...
COAST CITIES — Throughout North Coastal San Diego County, both waste disposal companies will recycle Christmas trees, sending them back to nature in the form...