CARLSBAD —The Carlsbad Municipal Water District has launched a water-saving campaign to encourage residents to conserve water.
“A lot of Carlsbad residents are already doing the right thing when it comes to water conservation,” said Carlsbad Municipal Water District Conservation Coordinator Mario Remillard. “But we still see a lot of opportunities to save more water, especially in landscaping.”
Half of all water use in the city is used outdoors.
The water district is giving out free lawn signs for residents and business owners, which reads: “Carlsbad Preserves, We’re Doing Our Part.”
The signs are available at city libraries and offices.
Carlsbad is currently in Drought Response Level 2, which places mandatory restrictions on residents.
Sprinklers are allowed for eight minutes twice a week, on assigned days depending on the address.
Residents at addresses ending in an odd number may water on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Those living at addresses ending in an even number, plus all apartments, condos and businesses, may water on Mondays and Thursdays.
Residents are not allowed to wash down hard surfaces, like sidewalks and parking lots, unless required for sanitation reasons.
Restaurants and hotels are only allowed to serve water as requested.
The water district also has awareness tools and resources available, including rebates, free home use water checkups and water-wise landscaping seminars.
The restrictions are part of the statewide mandates that went into effect April 1.
The Carlsbad Municipal Water District must reduce water use by 28 percent.
The city uses recycled water in about half of the parks.
Where recycled water isn’t available, the city is ripping out turf that is solely for decorative purposes.
Water-saving tips can be found online at
People who violate the water restrictions will first be visited by water district officials.
If they continue to violate the restrictions, they will be fined.
The citywide restrictions have been in place for almost a year but the state restrictions went into effect in April.
The state can fine local water agencies up to $10,000 a day for not complying with the mandates to incentivize districts’ adherence.
1 comment
Carlsbad residents may be doing the right thing but Mario Remillard isn’t. He’s cut a special deal allowing at least one large resort to serve water to countless numbers of guests who haven’t requested it.
It takes municipal water to wash unused glasses and municipal water to make the ice they’re filled with. Topping off the glass with a few ounces of bottled water mitigates neither of those factors.
So much for, “When in drought, save water every day in every way.”
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