The Coast News Group

AAUW Fosters Education, Women

From left, Del Mar-Leucadia American Association of University Women members Rebecca Hill, Karen Vanderwerken, Karen Dorney, Fran Miller, Arleen von Schlieder, Carol Corbett-Parry, Norelynn Pion-Goureau and Bobbi Karnes celebrate their election to the new AAUW board. The group is seeking new members to be part of a local middle school program — Tech Trek — to support STEM education for girls, and to become part of a group dedicated to promoting equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research. The group starts its fall season at the Encinitas Community Center Sept. 16. Visit or Facebook at
From left, Del Mar-Leucadia American Association of University Women members Rebecca Hill, Karen Vanderwerken, Karen Dorney, Fran Miller, Arleen von Schlieder, Carol Corbett-Parry, Norelynn Pion-Goureau and Bobbi Karnes celebrate their election to the new AAUW board. The group is seeking new members to be part of a local middle school program — Tech Trek — to support STEM education for girls, and to become part of a group dedicated to promoting equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research. The group starts its fall season at the Encinitas Community Center Sept. 16. Visit or Facebook at